Grease trap cleaning can save you a lot of trouble downstream in your plumbing or sewage system, especially if you are operating a restaurant business on a septic system. But while restaurants may be required to have grease traps, for residences they are optional. Nonetheless, they can be a valuable investment in protecting the health of your property’s septic system if you need a little extra help with keeping your family’s food waste out of your system downstream.
A grease trap is mainly used to collect as many FOGs as possible. This is a common acronym used along with grease traps that stands for fats, oils, and greases. Grease traps can help eliminate common plumbing problems caused by a high level of FOG disposal into the sewage or septic waste system. This commonly applies to needs by restaurants.
Grease traps are designed especially for kitchens. Not surprisingly thanks to their ability to limit foul odors and pest infestations coming from downstream, these contraptions can be traced back to the Victorian days. While these devices use baffles to catch 50 to 90% of the grease that flows through them by slowing drainage to allow separation of oil and water, eventually grease trap cleaning is needed to maintain their efficiency. Talk to us at Degler Waste Services to establish a cleaning regimen that makes sense for you and your food service location. We want to help your location keep running smoothly through regular and effective grease trap cleaning.