Home > Septic Blog > Maintaining Grease Traps: What You Should and Shouldn’t Do

Grease Traps
Grease traps are devices, often used in commercial kitchens, designed to stop oils, grease, and fats from getting into sewer lines. When these substances are allowed to get into a building’s sewer lines, they solidify and stick to the inside of the pipes, trapping debris within the system. As time passes, this solid mass can grow until it stops the flow of water and causes a backup. Fortunately, there are things you can do and things you should avoid to keep your grease trap working properly.

What to Do

Grease traps need to be maintained regularly by having consistent pumping performed. You should also make sure your grease trap is the right size for your location, that all of your food preparation and wash sinks are connected to the grease trap, and that you maintain a cleaning log to remain in compliance with local codes. You should also make sure your staff knows to remove as much solid waste and food as possible from pots and dishes before they’re washed.

What Not to Do

Grease traps should never be connected to a garbage disposal, so if this structure is in place in your kitchen, you should take steps to remedy it. You should also never pour boiling water down into any sinks that are connected to a grease trap, and refrain from letting drain cleaners, additives, bleach, and other chemicals go down into one of these devices.

Maintaining Grease Traps: What You Should and Shouldn’t Do