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how septic systems work

If you have only lived in homes connected to a city sewer system, moving to a home with its own septic system can be intimidating. It’s the city’s job to take care of the sewers, but the responsibility for your septic system is yours alone. We at Degler Waste Services understand the trepidation that many feel about private septic systems, but we also believe that information is the key to alleviating that worry and getting the best results from any feature of your home. Our team has put together a brief introduction to septic systems to help you feel more comfortable with yours.

Most septic systems consist of two main components: the septic tank and the drain field. As wastewater exits your home through your pipes, it first flows into the septic tank. There, it separates into its solid and liquid components. The solid waste sinks to the bottom, where it is broken down into sludge by bacteria and enzymes within the tank. This sludge remains inside the tank until it is removed via pumping, which you should have done every one to two years. The liquids, on the other hand, pass through the tank and exit into the drain field. Here, the liquid effluent travels through a series of filters and is ultimately released back into the soil.

If you have further questions about how septic systems work, or about your septic system in particular, you can call our team at Degler Waste Services to consult with our experts.